Sustainable Development Goals


Rector's Speech

Since its establishment until now, the University of Sumatera Utara has made a significant contribution through education, research and community service activities in various sectors of life. The activity highlights contributions to scientific research, technological advancement, innovation, community empowerment, and the achievement of national programs. Various national, regional, and international partnerships have been established by the University of North Sumatra in an effort to address global issues with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as the focal point. As a higher education institution that prioritizes sustainable development, the University of North Sumatra has programs that are in line with the excellence and roadmap of TALENTA (Tropical Science and Medicine; Agroindustry; Local Wisdom; Energy (sustainable); Natural Resources (biodiversity,


Dr. Muryanto Amin, S.Sos, M.Si

Rector of Universitas Sumatera Utara

USU's SDGs Expert

Dr. Muryanto Amin S.Sos., M.Si.
Partnership for the Goals
Prof. Dr. Eng. Himsar Ambarita ST., MT.
Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
Wahyu Ario Pratomo SE., M.Ec.
Decent Work and Economic Growth
Yasmin Chairunisa Muchtar SP., MBA.
Decent Work and Economic Growth
Prof .Drs. Heru Santosa MS., Ph.D
Good Health and Well-Being
Ir. Nazaruddin MT., Ph.D
Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
Dr. Rosmalinda SH., LLM
Peace, Justice and Strong Institution