
Operational Measures


USU issues the rector's circular number 15129/UN5.1.R/KPM/2022 which regulates the policy of providing healthy food within the university environment
Based policy created in 2019, USU has tried to improve in hazardous waste management. Recently, USU has strengthened cooperation by making agreement with third party to improve hazardous waste management.


USU is committed to creating a green campus by issuing policies to manage waste generated and reporting its activities through Pertor No. 3 of 2019


USU has a policy on minimisation of plastic with policy number 3, 2019.


USU issued policy regarding minimasition of disposal item with policy No. 3 2019
All third parties who cooperate with USU must comply with USU regulations, including carrying out Pertor No. 3 of 2019.
All parties working in USU must compile USU's regulation and policy, including the suppliers.

Proportion of Recycled Waste

USU has facilities to manage and treat the solid waste. The facilities services are covered across the university.

Amount of waste generated

Hospital Waste: 1,5 Ton - 2 Ton / Month

Amount of waste sent to landfill

Not Available

Amount of Waste Recycled

100kg - 150kg / Day

Publication of sustainability report

USU has published its sustainability report annually. The report can be found here