
Employment Practice

The University Sumatera Utara as a university with the status of a State University with a Legal Entity (PTNBH) carries out compensation for all staff in accordance with applicable regional and national regulations and laws. The composition of employees at USU consists of Civil Servants (PNS), Non-PNS Permanent Employees and Contractual Employees. For civil servants, compensation is given according to the Regulation of Civil Servants of the Republic of Indonesia (Perpres No 6 Tahun 2019) and is paid directly by the National Government. Furthermore, for Non-PNS Permanent Employees and Contractual Employees who are financed by USU Funds, the minimum payment has exceeded the North Sumatra Province Minimum Wage, which consists of payment for the basic salary, payment for the position and payment for the performance (Pertor No 3 Tahun 2018).
The University Sumatera Utara does not prohibit employees' freedom of association, because in principle, freedom of association and collective bargaining are rights owned by employees regulated by law, but so far USU does not yet have a labor union. For civil servants, there is KORPRI (Indonesian Civil Servant Corps) which is a corps of civil servants throughout Indonesia. Korpri is a medium for civil servants which aims to support organizational achievement programs and as a unifying forum for civil servants


The University Sumatera Utara is a university that prohibits discriminatory practices in the workplace. In accordance with the USU Values, namely BINTANG, which is stated in the USU Strategic Plan, where one of the values is to have faith in God Almighty with the spirit of unity in diversity (Bhinneka Tunggal Ika), which means that all elements in USU must act based on God Almighty accompanied by a spirit of diversity and tolerance among different religions, ethnicities, genders and ages. Furthermore, it is strengthened by the USU Code of Ethic and Discipline Regulation for Employee in 2008 (PertorNo 1180/H5.1.R/SK/SDM/2008) , which states that all employees are obliged to respect any citizen irrespective of religion, ethnic, race and social status. USU also does not discriminate based on gender, for example in the election of officials, USU allows any gender to be an official in the USU environment.


The University Sumatera Utara is a state university under the authority of the Ministry of Education which is an organization that opposes forced labour, modern slavery, human trafficking and child labour. Until now, it still refers to the laws and policies that apply nationally. In practice, the recruitment of USU employees is above 18 years old (adult), the announcement of recruitment is conducted openly and transparently through various media such as the internet and newspapers, so that there is no coercion to work at USU. USU also does not recognize the practice of human trafficking and modern slavery. All USU employees are guaranteed their rights through Rector Regulation No. 3 of 2018


USU has a policy to ensure equal rights of workers when outsourcing/outsourcing activities to third parties and cooperation


The University Sumatera Utara as a university with the status of a State University with a Legal Entity (PTNBH) has the authority to determine the amount of additional compensation besides the compensation provided by the Ministry to its employees. Payment of USU based on the ministry which does not differentiate payments based on gender, but based on rank, position and performance. In addition, USU also has several policies that regulate fair-based payments, such as Pertor No. 3 of 2018. The Rector's regulation also does not differentiate payments based on gender, but based on position and performance. In order to confirm the commitment, USU is currently also in the process of developing performance-based incentive payment schemes to ensure fairness in the provision of compensation for employees.
In particular, USU has not measured or tracked salary scales based on gender equality. Because in practice there is no gap in the scale of payments between genders. USU does not recognize gender based payments. All compensation payment rules have referred to the Law, National Regulations and University Rector Regulations which are given based on position and performance.
The appeal process against employee rights at USU starts from the smallest unit within the University, namely the Study Program (Program Studi). Employees report to the Study Program regarding the appeal, and it will be forwarded to the Faculty. Furthermore, if the appeal cannot be completed at the Faculty level, it will be forwarded to the University through the Human Resources Department. The Human Resources Department will collaborate with the Legal Bureau of USU to resolve the appeal. At the national level, every employee can report or make an application through the website: which will be directly received by the Ministry of Education and Culture. At that level, the Ministry will write to the Chancellor of the University to follow up on the report or request.

Expenditure per Employee

Number of Employees


Number of Academic Staff


University Expenditure


Proportion of Students Taking Work Placements

Number of students


Proportion of Employees on Secure Contracts

Number of employees


Number of Employees on Contracts of Over 24 Months