
Low Carbon Energy Use

The literacy improvement program related to climate change and disasters is carried out through seminars and workshops conducted by USU or USU lecturers as resource persons in activities carried out by local governments. Several studies by USU lecturers are also related to climate change, starting from the inventory of GHG emissions, mitigating climate change through mangrove restoration and new and renewable energy alternatives. In addition, the USU LP has also created a special research scheme for the USU Eco-Green Campus, one of which is Energy and Climate Change

Total Energy Used


Total Energy Used From Low-Carbon Sources


Environmental Education Measures

The literacy improvement program related to climate change and disasters is carried out through seminars and workshops conducted by USU or USU lecturers as resource persons in activities carried out by local governments. Several studies by USU lecturers are also related to climate change, starting from the inventory of GHG emissions, mitigating climate change through mangrove restoration and new and renewable energy alternatives. In addition, the USU LP has also created a special research scheme for the USU Eco-Green Campus, one of which is Energy and Climate Change

Total Energy Used


Total Energy Used From Low-Carbon Sources

The literacy improvement program related to climate change and disasters is carried out through seminars and workshops conducted by USU or USU lecturers as resource persons in activities carried out by local governments. Several studies by USU lecturers are also related to climate change, starting from the inventory of GHG emissions, mitigating climate change through mangrove restoration and new and renewable energy alternatives. In addition, the USU LP has also created a special research scheme for the USU Eco-Green Campus, one of which is Energy and Climate Change.
In the framework of the National Mental Revolution Movement initiated by the Ministry of Human Development and Culture, USU together with the Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture carried out tree planting at USU in the form of implementing concrete actions to plant ten million trees. In addition, USU also has a Center for Excellence in Innovation that is specifically engaged in the mangrove sector. USU's PUI Mangrove has done a lot of community service, especially in mangrove restoration activities as a form of real action in climate change
The Community Service Institute cooperates with the Ministry of Environment and Forestry to restore peat ecosystems. Studies related to critical land and protection of areas around rivers and Lake Toba with drinking water companies. Flood mitigation with USAID and PTPN IV as well as energy audit and verification of environmental management performance with PT PLN and PT Pertamina.
Climate change triggers hydrometeorological disasters such as floods. USU under the auspices of LPPM initiated community service activities related to flood management by creating community service schemes related to disaster mitigation stages I and II, especially related to flood management in North Sumatra. Community service topics ranging from flood disaster mitigation training, training on making bio pore and infiltration wells and preparing flood volunteers

Commitment To Carbon Neutral University

USU Strategic Plan (Renstra) 2020 - 2034 it is stated that USU's center of excellence is TALENTA (Tropical Science and Medicine, Agroindustry, Local Wisdom, Energy (sustainable), Natural Resources (biodiversity, forest, marine, mine, tourism), Technology (appropriate) and Arts (ethnic). From this center of excellence there is a target for the Energy (sustainable) section

Achieve by

The achievement targets for Scope 1, 2, and 3 related to the GHG Protocol do not yet exist but can be guided by strategic plans such as targets in the UI Greenmetric ranking. In addition, in the USU Chancellor's Regulation No. 3 of 2019 concerning the Implementation of the Green Campus Movement in the USU Environment in Article 7, it is explained that the target for energy savings at USU is 20% and water savings are 10%. So for the year, the achievement target is adjusted to USU's RJP until 2035.